As Bozok Translation, we provide Slovak Translation – Translation services in every kind and subject. Slovak Translation / Interpreting services in all subjects such as Technical, Commercial, Legal, Literary, Academic, Consecutive, Simultaneous, Notary Certified, individual, web site, catalog, user manual, student theses and so on.
Pricing is based on 1000 characters (no spaces) (letters) and 1000 characters correspond to 1 page. Pricing can be made according to the content and volume of the document. For Slovak Translation – Interpreting, you can contact us by phone, send an e-mail or fill out the “Online Application” form and get a quote.
Medical translation is perhaps the most specialized unit among translations. We are at your service with translations performed by our professional translators who are competent physicians, academicians, pharmacists and medical professionals.
Bozok Translation provides the following services:
Surgical reports, Forensic medicine reports, Doctor reports, Analysis reports, Research reports, Scientific studies, Scientific articles, Scientific reports, Patient information documents, Patient reports, Diseases, Hospital reports, Drug catalogs, Drug patents, Drug prospectuses, Drug promotions, Clinical trials, Clinical reports, Clinical presentations, Congress texts, Medical equipment, Medical devices, Medical equipment, Medical product patents, Medical publications, Patent applications, Prospectuses, Reports, Prescriptions, Health, Health reports, Health certificates, Health results, Analysis results , Diagnosis, Treatment, Medical instruments, Medical instruments, Medical documents, Medical device patents, Medical device technical specifications, Medical devices and tools, Medical equipment, Medical books, Medical congress presentations, Medical articles, Medical reports, Medical diagnosis and treatment devices, Medical applications, Medical -Translation of Slovak Medical Translation on subjects and documents such as fame brochures, Medical product licenses, Medical product licenses and patent documents, Medical devices, Medical books, Medical and medical products, Expert reports.
These are the written translation services provided by lawyer – translators specialized in national and international law.
Bozok Translation provides the following services:
Legal and Commercial Contracts and Agreements, Court Decisions, Power of Attorneys, International Agreements, Decisions, Legislation, Regulations, Distributorship Agreements, Litigation Petitions, Meeting Minutes, Declarations, Documents, Documents, Plaques, Permits, Petitions, Protests, Petitions, Purses, Legislation, Laws, Specifications, Circulars, Applications, Legal texts, Legal articles, Legal duties, Legal correspondence, Decisions, Legislation, Records, Reports, Licenses, Notices, Proceedings, Statutes, Attorneys, Power of Attorney, Inheritance Proceedings, Laws, Legal Translation -Interpreting service.
Commercial agreements, distributorship agreements, type agreements, joint ventures and agreements, agency and agency agreements, binding legal translations are very important. A wrong translation may put you and your business partner in trouble legally.
Bozok Translation is an office providing professional translation services and having the translation done by a professional linguist in its native language and country. Bozok Translation companies provide better communication opportunities with the customers coming from that culture in the language of the markets in which they operate. It provides commercial translation and localization services to companies for new markets worldwide.
Bozok Translation provides the following services:
Certificates of Analysis, Letters of Credit, Agreements, Applications, Documents, Declarations, Balance Sheets, Purses, Invitations, Transfers, Documents, Extracts, Documents, Invoices, Edicts, Forms, Income Statements, Corporate Tax Declarations, Accounts, Statements, Tender Documents Product Introduction Information, Tender Files, Transactions, Decisions, Scorecards, Surety, Identity, Bill of Lading Contracts, Board Decisions, Plates, License Manifesto, Trial Balance, Contracts, Consent, Patents, Plans, Policies, Projects, Reports, Official Documents, Licenses, Bills Slovak Commercial Translation-Translation service on subjects and documents such as, Certificates, Insurance, Circular, Contracts, Specifications, Specifications, Commitments, Offers, Duties, Trade Registry Newspapers, Regulations, Testaments, Correspondences, Regulations.
As Technical Translation service is a subject that requires expertise, it is the translation service offered by our technical translation team, which is an academic engineer, expert in the field of technical, who is within Bozok Translation.
The selection of the right translator for the most accurate terminology and usage according to various difficulty levels, expertise and detail information ensures quality translation.
Bozok Translation provides the following services:
Machine Translations, Technical Booklet Translations, Technical Drawing and Drawing Translations, Installation Translations, Technical System Translations, Laboratory Systems, Technology Translations, Technical Training Translations, Technical Document Translations, Technical Text Translations, Experimental Translations, Report Translations, Electrical / Electronic Instrument Translations, Translation and Interpretation, License and Patent Translations, Technical Specification Translations, Technical – Mechanical Device Translations
We can translate your studies such as Research, Article, Thesis, Report, Homework in any science to the language you want with our translators consisting of professional and academic staff.
All kinds of academic texts are translated by our expert and experienced sworn translators with due diligence in the selection and creation of the correct terminology.
Your academic studies are prepared in the formats you want with print, page layout and paper options.
Bozok Translation provides the following services:
Academic Translations, Research Translations, Scientific Translations, Student Homework Translations, Thesis Translations, Presentation Translations, Project Translations, Publication Translations, Text / Writing Translations, Diploma Translations, Course Certificates Translations, Student Certificates Translations, Achievement Certificates Translations, Exam Documents Translations, School Translations Translation of Slovak Academic Translating services on subjects and documents such as Documents Translations, Application Documents Translations.
Our translation services include literary, philosophical, poetry, history, tourism, local, regional, country introductions, painting, art, art history, exhibition, ballet, sports and so on.
As Bozok Translation, all kinds of artistic and literary translations are translated from / into Slovak by our experienced translators.
With the developing technology, web design becomes a very important feature for the international promotion of companies in order to open up to the world and meet the standards. A professionally crafted website provides the first step for potential consumers to become customers of your company.
Also, as the popularity of the Internet grows, people of different nationalities and languages will start to access your site. If you have connections abroad as a requirement of the global economy, it will be inevitable to have your website translated into other languages, especially English, German, Russian, Arabic.
As Bozok Translation, we are aware of the fact that your website is the showcase of your company.
Using the advantages of website localization, you can:
• Increase your market size
• Increase your global business potential
• Enter new markets with ease and confidence.
• Build credibility in the global market.
• Your website is your window to the world.
A well-designed and content-packed website offers businesses and individuals around the world the opportunity to get to know your products and services. Research has shown that web users are four times more likely to trade in their native language. Because of this, web localization is undoubtedly the key to Internet marketing strategy.
When you decide to localize your website, it’s not enough just to translate. Web localization requires a complete conversion from a format to a completely different format. Written language translation as well as the necessary form changes, correct connections and cultural differences need to be adapted.
As Bozok Translation, we offer a comprehensive service with a team of expert translators, technical experts and professionals at reasonable prices.
Redaction means to make the necessary arrangements of a written text to be ready for publication in dictionary. This is the revision of academic articles, case reports, dissertations and all kinds of documents previously translated by other institutions or individuals by considering the terms, grammar or page format. As Bozok Translation, we provide proofreading service with reasonable price and high quality guarantee.
Interpreting is a system that is translated during the conversation from the source language to the target language and requires attention, knowledge, practicality and experience.
We provide translation services in all your Business Meetings, Business Agreements, Commercial Meetings, Excursions, Symposiums, Business Meetings, Official Openings, Launch Meetings, Cocktails, Foreign Guest Hospitality and Accompanying, Business Meals, International Fairs and Excursions, Press Meetings.
The interpreter sit at the meeting table with the participants without using any technical equipment. Depending on the content of the speech, the interpreter takes notes while the speaker is speaking for a few sentences or for a while. The speaker then stops and then the interpreter repeats what is said in the other language. Interpreting is generally used in situations where simultaneous translation is not possible because the meeting is too short, technical, confidential or formal.
Bozok Translation provides interpreting services in Slovak with expert and experienced translators.
Simultaneous Translation is the service we provide for Conference, Seminar, Meeting, etc.
In simultaneous interpretation, the interpreter is in a special translation booth with soundproofing from the outside, with a microphone and headphones inside. S/he hears the speaker’s words through the headset and simultaneously translates them into the target language. Translation is transmitted to the audience through the microphone. On an average working day of six hours, the simultaneous interpreter performs equivalent to more than 60 pages of written translation. An interpreter who will be able to translate simultaneously in a conference or meeting shall serve a maximum of 6 hours in 1 day in periods. Simultaneous translation is preferred in large and especially multilingual meetings.
As Bozok Translation, our Simultaneous Interpreting Service is offered to you by our experienced translators who have advanced language knowledge and technical experience, who are competent in their subjects and who have diction without any problems.
Interpreters cannot work alone in meetings over 1.5 hours. A second interpreter is appointed for meetings exceeding 1.5 hours. The working time of a team of two interpreters may not exceed 2 x 3 hours. In meetings with a total working time of more than 6 hours, interpreters work in teams of 3 persons. Interpreters shall have at least one hour of lunchtime.
Keywords: Slovak Translation